Common recommendations for websites
We hear about SEO, keywords, pages, links, and it sounds interesting. However, implementing a lot of the recommendations that SEO consultants provide can be a lot of hard work. While the amount of change can depend on the website, the changes are particularly numerous the first time you optimize a site. Here is a list of common changes website developers come across when optimizing existing sites:
Metadata updates
The process is quite tedious and involves updating (or adding) metadata like titles, tags, descriptions to a page. Ideally, the site runs on a CMS, and the new metadata is available in a spreadsheet so the developer can import the data directly. The alternative is a laborious process of editing each page and entering the details one by one.
Updating internal links
Another important and tedious process. There is almost no way to scale this process. It is almost always manual and done page by page. Often, the consultant will only provide the links by page, so even if there were a programmatic method, it would not work.
It is easy to scale redirects, as long as the path and change reflect some form of structure. The standard procedure is to use wildcards and pattern matching issue redirects. The process that takes time is testing and confirming that each redirect works.
Page load speed is important enough now that it is one of the first tasks most SEO’s assigns the developer. A slow loading page can be the result of many factors, but the code is one factor, and it can take some tinkering to find the cause of the slowdown.